Thursday, November 19, 2015

Review of the Novel: Questing for a Dream

Questing for a Dream

By: P.D. Workman

Rating: 5 Glasses

Insightful, is the first word to come to mind when talking about this book. I am in no way the target audience for this novel ( I prefer things to explode more... I mean literally let's blow stuff up) but it captivated me from the start. The choice of using a Native American reservation as the location shows a real understanding of a void into today's literature. This is a scene that many people don't understand or have misconceptions about what life is really like and the amazing relationships and struggles of these families. The three girls were very different and had things I liked and attached to about each of them. I was very impressed with her ability to bring them to life in way that kept my interest (without blowing anything up...major points for that). It is truly a great work of fiction that is appropriate for any age group.

To Grab your copy Click Here :)


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